English . العربية

Privacy Policy for Users of GymTech Platform:

The digital platform referred to hereinafter as "GymTech" or "we" or "us" is a unique digital platform specializing in providing sports services to all individuals, referred to as "users". This is achieved by connecting them with a select group of specialists in the sports field, termed "service providers", through the ability to communicate with specialists and trainers in the field, asking questions, scheduling sessions with them at the sports facility, or through text, audio, and video chats. Users can also take tests, qualification courses, and other services offered at subsidized prices accessible to all segments of society. At GymTech, we are committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of all users on the platform at the highest level of confidentiality. This policy describes the information we collect, how we use it, and defines, in addition to the conditions that may be stated within the platform, the basis of interaction and the boundaries of responsibilities between us and the user, the "service seeker".

Therefore, we kindly ask you to read it carefully; by registering with GymTech, you agree to the contents of this policy and other terms and conditions provided within the platform.

Note: GymTech platform confirms its commitment to its privacy policy and standards in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the protection measures under this regulation apply to all GymTech platform services and its users worldwide.


1. Information We Collect About You:

In order to operate the platform, provide the highest level of service, and safeguard the rights of all users, we may need to collect your personal and non-personal information and your contact information (e.g., your name, phone number, age, marital status, and address), in addition to information related to billing purposes, payments, personal medical files, information exchanged between the user and the service provider, and the content of training sessions. GymTech does not consider information whose identity is hidden from any third party as personal information. We also emphasize that no information about you will be collected unless voluntarily provided by you and with your consent, and all such information will remain confidential and will not be shared with any parties unless you agree to it.


2. How We Collect and Use Your Information:

Without providing your information to GymTech, you are not entitled to access the platform, benefit from its services, contact us or service providers, or utilize any form of the platform. Therefore, we collect personal information through several sources, as follows:

·       Registration Account:

When you subscribe to your account on the GymTech platform, we request and collect personal information such as your name, mobile number, address, age, qualifications, and other information. We need this information to provide you with services. If you purchase paid services, such as session contracts, for example, additional personal information such as name, address, and credit card payment information will be collected for payment processing.


·       Services Provided on the Platform:

We collect your information when accessing the services provided on the platform, or when contacting us or corresponding with us, or through service providers at sports centers, or when utilizing training exercises and programs available on the platform. This includes, but is not limited to, session information, topics discussed, dialogues, interim reports, therapeutic interventions, impressions of the service provider and the user, and next steps. We will keep this information confidential and secure without sharing it with others.


·       Data Logging:

When using our services, we, at GymTech, utilize tools for analyzing user behavior and data through the use of third-party services, including Google Play services, Google Analytics for Firebase, Firebase Crashlytics, and UX cam. User behavior and data are analyzed through these tools by presenting them in an aggregated manner without individual identification. Additionally, at GymTech, we maintain a log of email messages and chats to address and resolve any encountered issues.


·       Surveys:

From time to time, we may collect personal information from users through surveys. This information is used solely to improve the content of our webpages and the quality of our service and is not shared with any third party.


·       Requests for Information, News, and Other Content:

You may subscribe to receive information, news, and other content related to new and current services related to GymTech platform and other information related to GymTech that may interest you. When subscribing to receive this information, you will be asked to provide personal information, including your name, email address, and phone number.


·       Technical Support Requests:

If you require technical support related to the GymTech platform, you will need to fill out a form for the purpose of specifying and clarifying your technical support request. When submitting a technical support request, you will be asked to provide personal information, including an email address and a description of the issue. We retain copies of all technical support requests and other information provided with or related to these requests.


·       Third Parties:

We may collect your personal data from third parties, such as data brokers or data aggregators in the context of their business activities, including some customer service providers. We may merge this data with the information we have about you or use it independently for the purposes of our business activities regarding benchmarking and data analysis. We will always seek to verify that the third party has informed you in advance of its use and GymTech's use of this data.


·       Browser Information and Cookies:

We use browser information such as IP addresses, browser types, cookies, and pixel tags to determine the data or information that should be displayed on your browser when visiting or using the GymTech platform. We may also use browser information, cookies, and pixel tags to determine how you access the GymTech platform, whether you are a visitor or a user, to help us improve our service offerings, for quality assurance and training purposes, to assist in diagnosing problems with our servers, gather broad demographic information, manage and improve our services, and for other legal purposes. Please refer to the "Cookies" section below for more information.


We may use the personal information we collect about you for various purposes, including:

       Creating your account on the platform and enabling you to log in to your account and use the platform.

       Managing your account and then providing you with customer support, ensuring that you receive high-quality service.

       Sending messages to you, including email or text messages via WhatsApp or SMS where allowed. For example, we may use email or text messages to respond to support inquiries or share information about our products, services, and promotional offers that we believe may interest you.

       Billing purposes and payment of services provided to you.

       Supervising, managing, and monitoring the service, measuring and improving the quality and effectiveness of our services, and developing them.

       Marketing the platform and our services to you.

       Conducting market research, including statistical analysis of user behavior, which we may display to third parties in a non-personal and aggregated manner.

       Responding to compliance requests from regulatory bodies, courts, and government agencies.


3. Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies:

A cookie is a small file that can be stored on and accessed from your device when you visit the platform, and other tracking technologies work in a similar manner to cookies, placing small data files on your devices or monitoring your activity on the platform to enable us to collect information about how you use GymTech. This allows the platform to recognize your device among other platform users' devices. The cookie information provided below also applies to other tracking technologies.


·       How We Use Cookies:

GymTech uses cookies and other tracking technologies to identify you and your interests, remember your preferences, and track your use of the platform. We also use cookies and other tracking technologies to control access to specific content on the platform, protect it, and process any requests you make to us.

In order to manage the platform and for research purposes, GymTech has also contracted with third-party service providers to track and analyze statistical usage and storage unit information from platform users. Third-party service providers use persistent cookies to assist us in improving user experience, managing our website content, and analyzing how users browse and use it.


·       First-Party and Third-Party Cookies:

"First-party cookies" are cookies that belong to GymTech and are placed by GymTech on your device. Whereas "third-party cookies" are cookies placed by a third party on your device through the GymTech platform. GymTech may contract with third-party service providers to send emails to users who provide us with their contact information. To help measure the effectiveness of our email communications and improve them and/or to determine whether messages have been opened or links clicked, third-party service providers may place cookies on the devices of these users.


To obtain further information regarding the methods these companies employ to collect and utilize data on our behalf, please refer to their respective privacy policies. Please consult our cookie policy for additional information.


4. How Do We Share Your Personal Information?

(GymTech) emphasizes that safeguarding your personal information is of utmost priority to us, even with your written consent for sharing. We pledge not to disclose any of this information or even declare you as a platform user without your written permission, except in the following cases:


·       Supporting Entities:

  We may share your personal information – as necessary – with certain supporting entities of the platform who provide direct support to it and its users. For instance, such entities may contribute to covering the cost of some sessions for a specific category of users or company-affiliated employees if you belong to the designated category. It should be noted that our sharing of your data with them will be limited to the information necessary for providing support only.


·       Third-Party Service Providers Acting on Our Behalf:

  We share personal information with certain third-party service providers who assist us in delivering services and are obligated to maintain confidentiality. For example, we may utilize third parties for hosting services or sending email updates about services or removing duplicate information from user lists.


·       Other Users:

  Based on your interaction with the services, we may share your personal information with other users, such as peers and other participants sharing information on the boards where data is posted. Additionally, we may share your information with your training partner for attending individual or joint sessions as part of training exercises.


·       Service Providers:

  By opting for a service provided by the platform, we may share your personal information with the service provider to facilitate the service delivery process. For instance, we may grant access to this information to the specialist or consultant you choose to provide the service or in cases where the service provider needs to discuss certain training session information with other service providers to deliver the highest level of service. However, sharing your real name in such instances requires your specific consent.


·       For Legal Purposes:

  We will disclose your personal information as necessary to respond to a subpoena, regulation, binding order from a data protection agency, legal process, government request, or any other legal, regulatory, or regulatory process. Additionally, we may share your information if the service provider has reasonable grounds to believe that you are about to harm yourself or others, in which case we and the service provider are obligated to take regulatory action, notify the appropriate authority, and disclose any of this information as needed. Furthermore, we may share your information as needed to monitor the appropriate level of training to minimize any harm we may incur.


We assure you that we, along with all our employees and service providers, are committed to adhering to this policy and other policies, and we always strive to protect your privacy to the fullest extent possible even with your written consent to share this information.


5. Legal Basis for Data Processing:

Our processing of your personal data for the aforementioned purposes is based on the following:

       Partially, our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party in promoting and marketing GymTech and protecting it, building and maintaining relationships, and providing our services in the best possible manner.

       Partially, your consent and the execution of our obligations under any agreement we have with you. For instance, if you create a user profile or subscribe to newsletters or notifications we provide, or for business purposes supporting the operation of the platform, such as understanding and improving your experience on our electronic platform.

       Partially, compliance with the law when the information is necessary to fulfill our legal or regulatory obligations.

6. Security of Your Personal Information:

We employ reasonable security measures aimed at protecting the security of the information provided by you through the platform or services. However, the security of information transmitted over the internet cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, to protect you and your personal information, we may suspend your use of the services or platform, without prior notice, pending an investigation if there is any suspicion of a security breach. Furthermore, we assure you that we will never request your login credentials or credit card information in any insecure or unsolicited communication (email, phone, etc.).


7. Storage of Your Information:

We will securely and confidentially store your information, including your user profile file, associated personal information, and message and chat texts you have conducted on the platform, as necessary, for the duration of the relevant business relationship. We may retain them longer than the business relationship period when needed for business and/or legitimate legal purposes, such as improving platform and user security, preventing fraud, misuse of platform services, or harm to service providers and other users, and for regular record-keeping purposes. You have the right to request the deletion of your personal data, which includes (your name, mobile number, email, date of birth, qualifications, and banking information). In this case, GymTech will make reasonable attempts to completely delete this data when it is no longer needed, although we will retain a copy in our internal backup systems, which may require some time to completely erase your data from our systems. For requests for access to information and correction or deletion, please refer to the "Your Rights" section of this privacy policy.


8. Limits and Scope of Responsibility:

The platform user or service providers are committed to ethical and professional behavior in providing or receiving the service and maintaining the privacy of service providers and other users. They undertake not to disclose or use any data or information obtained or accessed through providing the service via this platform. They are solely legally responsible for violating the rights of users or violating any of the terms of this policy or other requirements stated on the site or conditions and provisions imposed on them by us.


9. Links to Other Websites:

The platform or services may contain links and user interface elements related to third-party external websites and services "Third-Party Services" that are not affiliated with us. The link to any third-party service does not imply our endorsement of the quality or accuracy of the information provided on it. If you decide to visit any services affiliated with external parties, you are subject to their privacy policy and practices, not to this privacy policy. We encourage you to carefully review the legal and privacy notices for all other digital services you visit.

10. Children's Privacy:

We do not collect or request any information from anyone under the age of 13, nor do we allow these individuals to become our users. The platform is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. If you are aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, please inform us by contacting us, and we will delete this information.


11. International Transfer:

Your information may be transferred to computers located outside your city, country, or retained on them. Regardless of where your data is stored, it will be securely retained as outlined in this policy. Your consent to the terms and conditions governing your submission of this information constitutes your consent to such transfers.


12. Unsubscribing:

If you have subscribed to a newsletter service or notifications, or if you have received invitations from GymTech to participate in surveys or events, and you prefer not to receive messages from us in the future, please review the message settings in your profile on the platform to unsubscribe, or follow the instructions provided on the unsubscribe link in all marketing emails sent by us.


13. Your Rights:

Under applicable law, you may have the right to request access to the personal data we have collected about you for review, modification, or deletion purposes. You may also request a copy of the personal data we have collected about you and request correction of any errors in it. In certain cases, you may also request the cessation of the processing of your personal data.

If you wish to request access to your personal data, review it, correct it, or discuss how we process it, please contact us. To help protect your privacy and security, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity, such as requesting a password or user ID, before granting you access to your personal data. We undertake to make reasonable efforts to promptly investigate your requests or comply with or respond to them otherwise as required by applicable law. Different laws may prevent us from granting you access to your personal data or otherwise fully complying with your request depending on the circumstances and the request made, for example, if providing your information could reveal the identity of another person. At GymTech, we reserve the full right to impose appropriate fees for compliance with your request wherever permitted by applicable law and/or refuse the request if it is based on unsound grounds and/or excessive or otherwise unacceptable, or if it is unlawful under applicable law.


14. Updates to the Privacy Policy:

By using the platform, you agree to our collection, use, and storage of your personal data as outlined in this privacy policy and elsewhere on the platform. We reserve the full right to make updates to this privacy policy from time to time, and we will notify you of any such updates by updating this privacy policy. If we make material changes to this privacy policy that would increase our rights to use the personal data, we previously collected from you, we will seek your consent either through a message to your registered email address or by posting information about the changes prominently on the platform.


15. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy or our privacy practices, please contact us through the dedicated form on the platform or by sending an email to the following address: info@gymtech.sa. Additionally, you can directly contact us at the following number: 920012483.